Bibliographie - Dawson Trail
Sites web et Blogs
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Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
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- Conseil de la coopération du Manitoba. (n.d.). La région Seine Region: Guide Touristique | Tourist Information Guide (P.10). Print only. Based on a book by Saint-Pierre, Annette. Au Coeur de l’Amérique. Éditions des Plaines.
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- Manitoba Regional Tourism Network. (2007). Tales of the Dawson Trail. Eastern Manitoba Tourism Guide. [Note that the date for the lost treasure story of 1868 in this article is wrong. Wolseley’s army did not come through this region until 1870-72.]
- Milne, B. (1995). The historiography of Métis land dispersal, 1870-1890. Manitoba History: Manitoba Historical Society Number 30, Autumn 1995. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from Manitoba History: The Historiography of Métis Land Dispersal, 1870-1890
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Journals, Diaries & Letters
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