Bibliographie - Dawson Trail


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Dictionaries and Encyclopedias



  • Aiken, D. (1988, May). Heritage Highlights. Winnipeg Real Estate News. Also in Feilberg, E., & Annell, L. (1989). Pioneer History of Glenn, East Braintree & McMunn (P.18-25). Retrieved from
  • Annell, L. (2019, Feb 25). “Planning a trip to East Braintree this year? Association of Manitoba Museums, Facebook page. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from Planning a trip to East Braintree this... - Association of Manitoba Museums
  • Anonymous member of the Société historique de Saint-Boniface, Les Cloches de Saint-Boniface, volume 1, numéro 14, October 15, 1902, p.352-356
  • Baker Brehaut, H. (1971-72). The red river cart and trails: The fur trade. Manitoba Historical Society (MHS) Transactions, Series 3, Number 28. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from MHS Transactions: The Red River Cart and Trails: The Fur Trade
  • Barkwell, L. (2016, November 8). Fort Garry Band (Upper Fort Garry): The forgotten history of the Saulteaux-Metis Band at the forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers (7 pages). Scribd. Retrieved March 2020 from Fort Garry Band (Upper Fort Garry) | Manitoba | First Nations
  • (The) Begbie Contest Society. (n.d.) Canadian Primary Sources in the Classroom – Riel and Manitoba. Multiple Perspectives. Retrieved June 29, 2020 from Riel and Manitoba
  • Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. (1871?). Narrative of the Red River Expedition by an officer of the expeditionary force [attributed to General Viscount Wolseley], Part II, pages 48-73, Part III, pages 104-181. New York. Rare Book Collection of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from Narrative of the Red River expedition by an officer of the expeditionary force
  • Bohémier, G., Doyle, P. & Nault, D. (1975). Sainte-Anne-des-Chênes, Travail soumis par Gilberte, Patricia Doyle et Doris Nault. Provincial Archives of Manitoba 1975-64. Print. Found in collection of the Dawson Trail Museum
  • Conseil de la coopération du Manitoba. (n.d.). La région Seine Region: Guide Touristique | Tourist Information Guide (P.10). Print only. Based on a book by Saint-Pierre, Annette. Au Coeur de l’Amérique. Éditions des Plaines.
  • Dick, L. (2013, winter). Red River’s Vernacular Historians. Manitoba History, No. 71, P. 4. Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved June 28, 2020 from The Journal of the Manitoba Historical Society
  • Dupas, R. (date unknown due to loss of archival records, circa late 1900s). Tale of Dawson Trail…Too Long Forgotten. Dawson Dispatch. Retrieved from the personal collection of Norm Lavack, local resident.
  • East-Man Tempo. (1971, Nov). Bulletin #13. East-Man Regional Development Inc. Print. Personal Collection of Norm Lavack.
  • Flanagan, T. (1991). Louis Riel’s Land Claims. Manitoba History, Number 21, Spring 1991. Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved June 28, 2020 from Manitoba History: Louis Riel's Land Claims
  • Forestry History Society of Ontario. Forestory, Volume 10, Issue 1, Spring 2019. Retrieved from The Agreement Forest Program, Caterpillar Tractors, Wild Turkeys and Much, Much, More
  • Forrester, M. (1960). “That NorthWest Angle”. The Beaver, Autumn 1960, (P.32-24). Canada’s History Archive featuring The Beaver. Retrieved July 9, 2020 from
  • Hall, D. J. (n.d.). “A Serene Atmosphere”? Treaty 1 Revisited. Department of History, University of Alberta. 38 pages. Originally published in The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 2 (1984): 321-358. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from "A SERENE ATMOSPHERE"? TREATY 1 REVISITED
  • Hanover Steinbach Historical Society Inc. (2000, Dec). “1874 Revisited.” Preservings, No 17. Plett Foundation. Retrieved July 1, 2020 from Preservings #17 December 2000
  • Harrington, Lyn. (1951). The Dawson Route. Canadian Geographical Journal, September 1951. Not available online.
  • Heather, D. (2014). Prairie Grove History. Diane Heather personal collection.
  • Lagasse, J. (1958-59). The Métis in Manitoba. Manitoba Historical Society (MHS) Transactions, Series 3, 1958-59 Season. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from MHS Transactions: The Métis in Manitoba
  • Loewen, R. (1992). New Themes in an Old Story: Transplanted Mennonites as Group Settlers in North American, 1874-1879. Journal of American Ethnic History. Volume 11, No. 2, Winter, 1992 (P.8). University of Illinois Press on behalf of the Immigration & Ethnic History Society on JSTOR. Retrieved July 1, 2020 from
  • Mackie, R. (2020, Feb 29). #742 Beyond the Great Western Peninsula. The Ormsby Review, Fur Trade. Retrieved June 30, 2020 from #742 Beyond the Great Western Peninsula – The Ormsby Review
  • Mailhot, P. (2020, May 13). The Priest Who Shaped A Province. Canada’s History, Oct/Nov 2019 issue. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from The Priest Who Shaped a Province
  • Manitoba Historical Society. (1998-2020). Historic Streets in Winnipeg - Dawson Road [Lamont Street]. MHS Resources. Retrieved June 20, 2020 from Resources: History in Winnipeg Streets
  • Manitoba Historical Society. (n.d.) “The Lake Superior Route” [in Manitoba] 1890s, from The Nor’Wester. Manitoba Pageant, Winter 1967, Volume 12, Number 2. Source: Retrieved June 4, 2020 from
  • Manitoba Regional Tourism Network. (2007). Tales of the Dawson Trail. Eastern Manitoba Tourism Guide. [Note that the date for the lost treasure story of 1868 in this article is wrong. Wolseley’s army did not come through this region until 1870-72.]
  • Milne, B. (1995). The historiography of Métis land dispersal, 1870-1890. Manitoba History: Manitoba Historical Society Number 30, Autumn 1995. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from Manitoba History: The Historiography of Métis Land Dispersal, 1870-1890
  • Nute, G.L. (1954). On the Dawson Road. The Beaver, Winter 1954, pp. 16-19. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from
  • O’Toole, Darren. (2019, Oct 22). Hero, Heretic, Nation Builder. Canadian Geographic. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from Louis Riel: Hero, heretic, nation builder
  • O’Toole, D. (2017, November 10). Toward a Métis Homeland: As Canada embarks on a process of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, the Métis are still without territory to call their own. Canadian Geographic. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from Toward a Métis homeland
  • Shay, T. (2015). Pioneers on the Forest Fringe: The Wood Economy of Red River Settlement, 1812-1883. Manitoba History. Number 78, Summer 2015. Welton, East Yorkshire, England. Image: Weir, T.R. ( ). Economic Atlas of Manitoba (P. 21 or P. 29). J. Warkentin and R. I. Ruggles. Retrieved June 29, 2020 from
  • Wilson, H & Reinhardt, E. (2017, December 4). Beyond the boundary: How George Dawson’s seminal work for the British North American Boundary Commission did far more than simply mark the 49th parallel. Canadian Geographic. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from Beyond the boundary
  • Wilson, H & Reinhardt, E. (2019, June 17). Chronicling “an almost unknown country”: The legacy of artist Paul Kane’s epic 19th-century journey across Canada. Canadian Geographic. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from Chronicling “an almost unknown country”.


Journals, Diaries & Letters

  • Bowfield, H. (1968). The James Wickes Taylor Correspondence 1859-1870 (P.119-120). Volume III: Manitoba Record Society Publications. General Editor: W.D. Smith. Printed by D.W. Friesen & Sons Ltd.: Altona, MB. Retrieved June 22, 2020 from Manitoba Historical Society,
  • Carrière, A. (1935, May). Témoignage d’Alexis Carrière et Lettre [écrit à l’occasion de…]. Original letter is in French though an English translation was made by …and accompanies the testimony. Personal Collection of the Carrière family.
  • Dornez-Laxdal, D. (1993). « Reflets d’un passé au lac Bossé ». No publisher. Godard (and Bourgouin) Family. Print
  • Dufferin and Ava, Harriot Georgina Blackwood, Marchioness of, 1843?-1936. (1891). My Canadian journal, 1872-8, extracts from my letters home, written while Lord Dufferin was Governor-General. Chung Published Works. B, London : J. Murray. Retrieved June 3, 2020, from
  • Dugald Women’s Institute. (1974). Springfield: 1st Rural Municipality in Manitoba 1873-1973. Printed by D.W. Friesen & Sons Ltd.: Altona. Retrieved June 22, 20120 from Manitoba Historical Resources
  • FitzGibbon, M. (n.d.). Chapter XIX: A Trip to Manitoba. Souvenirs of Lord and Lady Dufferin – From Winnipeg by Red River. Retrieved June 3, 2020 from
  • Grant, G. M., 1835-1902. (1873). Ocean to ocean: Sandford Fleming’s expedition through Canada in 1872. Being a diary kept during a journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific with the expedition of the engineer-in-chief of the Canadian Pacific and Intercolonial railways. BC Historical Books. Diaries. Retrieved June 3, 2020, from Ocean to ocean : Sandford Fleming's expedition through Canada in 1872. Being a diary kept during a journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific with the expedition of the engineer-in-chief of the Canadian Pacific and Intercolonial railways. With sixty illustrations
  • Klippenstein, L. (1972). Diary of a Mennonite Delegation, 1873. Manitoba Historical Society, Autumn, Volume 18, Number 2. Retrieved June 11, 2020 from Manitoba Pageant: Diary of a Mennonite Delegation, 1873
  • Klippenstein, L. (1975). Manitoba Settlement and the Mennonite West Reserve (1875-1876). Manitoba Pageant, Autumn 1975, Volume 21, Number 1. Retrieved July 1, 2020 from Manitoba Settlement and the Mennonite West Reserve (1875-1876)
  • “Lieux-dits le long du Chemin Dawson” may have been the oral portion of the 1940 celebrations with the unveiling of the cairn in Ste. Anne for the Dawson Route’s national historic designation. It is unclear as we have only been able to collect hand written notes on this topic. It appears Eugène Desautels testimony was given in March 1939. In these hand written notes there is a possible cross-reference made to the papers of l’abbé Dugas P. 50-52. Personal collection: Roger Godard. Print
  • Wolseley, G. J. (Garnet Joseph) Wolseley. (1904). The story of a soldier's life. Volume 2. Toronto: Book Supply Co..Retrieved June 3, 2020 from
  • Private Soldier. (1872). An account of the Second Expedition to Red River: Diary of a Private Soldier, p. ? Retrieved from
  • Papers of…From the recollections of Georges Lavack, Father Giroux, and others in the personal collection of Norm Lavack





  • Clincke, D.J. (1997, April). Representing Community Idendity in the Landscape: The Parish of Ste. Anne, MB by Dominique José Clincke. A Practicum submitted for the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fufillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture. Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB. LAC. Retrieved July 6, 2020 from
  • Krasowski, S.K. (2011, June). Mediating the Numbered Treaties: Eyewitness Accounts of Treaties Between the Crown and Indigenous Peoples, 1871-1876: A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Special Case Doctor of Philosophy in History, University of Regina. Retrieved June 26, 2020 from
  • LittleJohn, B. (1967, Sept). The Dawson Route: A phase of westward expansion. UBC Theses and Dissertations, Open Collections (290pp). Retrieved June 3, 2020 from The Dawson route : a phase of westward expansion


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